It’s Not Working.

Whether you’re a trader leaving profits on the table or looking to transition into a new career — we can make a difference. It could be your performance. It could be your career. We’ll help you gain the clarity you need to move forward successfully.

One-on-One Coaching Session

Improve Your Trading Skills —
From the Inside Out

Did you know that 90% of performance is mental? Tactical strategies to improve your trading results will only take you so far.

Don’t let your blind spots empty your pockets. Make better decisions – faster, more consistently, with greater self-awareness and confidence.

How Your Coaching Session Is Structured

Every coaching session that I conduct, whether it is an individual session or the full in-depth course, involves 6 steps:

    1. Establish Coaching Agreement: Identify the specific topic for the session.
      • What is the issue/goal to focus on today?
      • What is important about this for you?
    2. Set the Outcome: Set goal or outcome for the session.
      • How will you know you achieved your objective?
      • What will that look/feel like (subjective/objective)?
      • Where are you now regarding this objective?
    3. Coach the Client: Help to explore outcomes and actions
      • What is the best solution for you?
      • What changes might you or others notice?
    4. Commit to Action: Identify specific actions you will commit to.
      • What might get in the way of accomplishing this?
      • How will you support your commitment to action?
    5. Key Outcomes: Summarize actions. commitments and/or perspective shifts.
      • What are your take-aways from this session?
      • What new awareness or learning happened today?
      • How will this support you going forward?
    6. Accountability: Coach partners with you to hold you to commitment.
      • How will you hold yourself accountable to the goals set today?
      • How can I partner with you to enhance your accountability?

Often I will suggest reading or homework, or other activities with follow-up. Including scheduling the next session. In the case of an individual session, there is a 10-15 minute followup session included in the price.